The film “Favoriten” by Ruth Beckermann is a documentary that follows schoolchildren at an Austrian elementary school over a period of three years. The focus is on a 2nd grade class with 25 children and a very dedicated teacher. Almost all the children in the class barely speak German and have a migrant background. As in Germany, there is an acute shortage of skilled workers and so it is primarily the teacher (Ilkay Idiskut) who is responsible for keeping the class together. She shows a lot of sensitivity, but also a certain strictness with the children.
She always tries to deal with the children’s various issues on an equal footing and likes to encourage discussions in which the children can express their own personal views. When conflicts arise, she sets clear boundaries and shows the children, who are often influenced by their parents’ opinions, that there can also be other points of view and that they should perhaps reconsider their opinions. For example, there was a discussion about whether girls should be allowed to go swimming in the pool bare-chested, i.e. in a bikini. One boy was absolutely convinced that this was not right.

On the part of the children, we also experience various situations in which they interact with each other; helpful, excluding, in conflict, in grief, with joie de vivre. The lives of the little ones are no less complicated than those of us adults. As the grades increase, the children’s world becomes a little more serious. Class tests are written and graded and for a moment the children’s dreamy worlds are shattered. A 5 in German brings tears to a child’s eyes, no doubt also out of fear of the reactions of parents, some of whom have high expectations of their children.
And finally, a teacher also has a private life at the end and so she has to say goodbye to the children prematurely about six months before the end of year 4 and the associated transition to a secondary school due to pregnancy protection. A farewell that becomes very emotional again.

Favoriten is an interesting insight into the everyday life of a school. You can certainly find some parallels to us in Germany. However, I didn’t get the impression that it’s about pointing a finger at the problem, but that there are people who are there for the children and who put their heart and soul into it. They keep the wheel turning and the children thank them for it.
Ilkay Idiskut
Ruth Beckermann
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